Sound FX: Ruffle ruffle ruffle. Shuffle shuffle shuffle. THUD.
Cut to a shot of McMoosington standing in front of a lab table.
Brainley (offscreen): McMoosington, have you seen my nuclear beehive? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
McMoosington: A missing beehive? Someone must have stolen it! This is a job for...
McMoosington is now wearing a cape, and Brainley is onscreen and staring at him.
Brainley: Does the Dean know about this?
McMoosington: Well, actually...
Cut to shot of a large, muscular squirrel in a Mexican luchador outfit.
Narrator: And guest starring the Dean as EL ARDILLO FUERTE
Brainley: Wait, now I'm even more confused. Which one is the sidekick? And why is McMoosington's superhero name the same as his secret identity?