
Comic Transcript

A black background with white text.

Title: Brain Comics presents

Title (in cursive font): the walrus

Title: &

Title (in blocky font): the carpenter

Title: in SPACE

Title: (With apologies to Lewis Carroll.)

Green computer text on a black background.

Narrator: radio telescope reading

Narrator: synchronized output from

Narrator: stellar objects

Narrator: 3DL-Δ and 3DL-Ω

A starry background, with a stylized sun in the foreground, built around a compass rose motif and featuring a thoughtful-looking face w/ mustachio and eyebrows. A thought bubble is coming off of the sun.

The thought bubble contains a reaction diagram: Mo + H + H -> [explosion] -> He + [Frilly Pillow with Happy Face].

Narrator: message begins

Narrator: 0001 The sun was fusing hydrogen,

Narrator: 0002 fusing it all in place:

Narrator: 0003 He did his very best to make

Narrator: 0004 some pillows, done in lace -

Narrator: 0005 And this was odd, because it was

Narrator: 0006 the cold vacuum of space.