
Comic Transcript

A piece of yellowed paper. On the left top corner:

Title: Brainley's Notebook

On the right top corner, in a handwriting font:

Brainley: Pg 30

Brainley: 2009-06-07

Brainley: Temp 288 K

A sketch in blue pencil of McMoosington with a giant preztel-shaped lump in his throat. He looks concerned. And is holding a box labelled "JUMBO PRETZ".

And the following notes to the left of the sketch, also in a handwriting font:


Brainley: McMoosington learns a valuable lesson.

Brainley: (Note to self: Switch to goldfish crackers.)

Brainley: (Addendum, 2 days later: Okay, scratch the goldfish crackers. He just tried to eat an aquarium.)