Brainley is looking at his laptop, which still has a brain shaped logo on the back of the screen.
Brainley: Hey! I found a wormhole!
Dobbsey (from offscreen): What? Where? How?
Brainley: Google!
Dobbsey walks in.
Dobbsey: You found a wormhole on...Google?
Brainley: It says it's downtown! Wanna go?
Dobbsey: I...suppose.
Cut to an exterior shot of a building corner with a door, a long horizontal window near the top, and a neon sign which reads "the wormhole".
Cut to a shot of Brainley and Dobbsey sitting at a bar. An earthworm sits nearby, sticking out of a beer bottle.
Brainley: This is not at all what I expected.
Earthworm (to Dobbsey): Hey there, stranger! Haven't seen you around here before.