
Comic Transcript

The entire page is done in the style of a children's comic book - very bright colors, heavy lines, lots of differently colored pastel boxes as panel and text backgrounds.

Close zoom on McMoosington. He is holding a hoof to his face.

Narrator: Professor McMoosington has a problem.

Narrator: His favorite pair of socks is missing a sock!

Narrator: You can't wear just one sock. It's the rules.

Close zoom on a red and white stripey sock.

Narrator: Where did his sock go?

Narrator: First he checked the yellow pages.

Close zoom on McMoosington smashing his face into an open yellow pages.

Narrator: But the sock wasn't there.

Cut to a silhouette of McMoosington sticking his head into a large, green refrigerator.

Narrator: Then he checked the refrigerator. Every shelf!

McMoosington: Hello? Sock?

Narrator: No sock.

McMoosington: ...I think I'm stuck.