The entire page is done in the style of a children's comic book - very bright colors, heavy lines, lots of differently colored pastel boxes as panel and text backgrounds.
Narrator: McMoosington checked the mailbox, but nobody had mailed his socks back.
Shot of McMoosington with his head and arms stuck in a postbox.
Narrator: He decided to check other boxes too.
Narrator: He checked some shoeboxes.
Shot of McMoosington's legs with his feet stuck in shoeboxes.
Narrator: He checked the breadbox.
Shot of McMoosington with a startled look and a piece of bread hanging out of his mouth.
Narrator: He checked a police box.
Shot of a blue old-fashioned English police box outside.
McMoosington (from inside the police box): It sure is roomy in here.
Narrator: There were some socks in it, but none of them were his.