
Comic Transcript

Brainley and Dobbsey are in the lab. Brainley is wearing a black fedora. In the distance there is a box-like machine labeled "HAT PROJECTOR" with an emitting antenna and a switch turned up to 11.

Dobbsey: Professor, you seem awfully unconcerned with avoiding lecture today.

Brainley: Well, Benoit Mandelbrot - the father of fractals - passed on recently.

Brainley is now wearing a straw boater.

Dobbsey: ...and?

Brainley: And to honor him I sent my students on a field trip to measure the exact length of the coast of Britain.

Brainley is now wearing a fez.

Dobbsey: What, unsupervised?

Brainley: Oh no, of course not. McMoosington went along as a geology advisor.

Cut to a beach. A large octupus is gripping McMoosington's head by the antlers. McMoosington has held his hooves up to his mouth as he yells.

McMoosington: Is anyone here a biology student?