
Comic Transcript

Brainley is walking along a street at night past various houses of worship. The first one: "Bob's House of Christ - Free confession with every sacrement!". Sadly, it is closed.

Next up: "Honest Sal's Jew Emporium - No Shirt? No Skullcap? No service!". It is also closed, with a sign claiming they will be back at 3.

Finally Brainley reaches an open place of worship - a diner-style affair adorned with a logo of a floating top hat and gloves. The top hat has horns, and the gloves appear to be shaped for animal paws. It is holding out a floating rainbow. A sign proclaims it to be "Church of the Door-to-door Pagan Salesman - Open 24/7 - All You Can Eat Salad Bar".

Brainley marches back to Bob's House of Christ angrily.

Brainley: Stop driving me to Paganism!