
Comic Transcript

Brainley and Dobbsey are standing near the "Chipmaster 3000" cookie cannon. It has been upgraded so that the label is now displayed on an LCD screen embedded in the cannon barrel.

Brainley: Okay. I think I've worked out all the bugs. Let's try this one more time.

The sign now says "HELLO OBSESSIVE FANS!". But it is awfully small text. Perhaps less astute readers would not notice it.

Sound FX: *click*

Cut to a close-up of the screen. It now reads "OUT OF COOKIES".

Brainley: What? But I just loaded a new cartridge!

Cut to close-up of McMoosington. He is gnawing on a tube, on which the letters "KIES" are visible. He has his eyebrows raised in a conspiciously inconspicuous manner.