Brainley is showing a large ray gun to Dobbsey. Dobbsey is turned away from him, focusing his attention on a teapot and teacup.
Brainley: Behold - the Reverse Tiny Dinosaur-Shaped Sponge Ray!
Dobbsey: Don't care, having tea...
Cut to shot of diagram showing a small pill and a dinosaur linked in a repeating loop.
Brainley (as narrator): Just as water turns dinosaur sponge capsules into dinosaurs, this ray transforms real dinosaurs into sponge capsules!
Cut back to Brainley and Dobbsey.
Dobbsey: That doesn't seem very useful. It's not as if there are any real dinosaurs on the loose.
Sound FX (offscreen): STOMP STOMP
Brainley: That brings us to my next announcement...